A Pair for My Mother

by hopelesslyambitiousv

When I was in kindergarten not so many years ago, I was introduced to what would become one of my favorite children’s books of all time.  Since then, A Chair For My Mother has stuck with me and is the inspiration and play on words behind this post.

I’m sure after a buildup like that you’re probably wondering where this is going right?

During one of my brief visits to and from home, my mother’s glasses and the bottom of my feet had a unfortunte run in, and of course, my big size 11 feet came out victorious. RIP my mom’s glasses :(. Not to worry though, I think the reason my mom didn’t totally flip is because she was secretly looking for an excuse to finally get up and get the new pair of glasses she has desperately needed for some time now. My mother is a faithful member of the “one pair is all I need” glasses community and as a result, when I inadvertently ruined her glasses she didn’t have another pair to turn to.

Being the self-proclaimed trendseeking fashionista that I am, I have made it my latest crusade to find my mother a pair of glasses that will update her style and compliment her face. Along this journey I have found some pretty cool websites that have affordable, stylish, and practical pairs of glasses.

What’s cool about these sites is they have a feature called virtual try on which allows you to see how the glasses might look on you before you actually go to purchase. For my mom, I am looking for either a sleek semi-rimless rectangular pair, or a two tonal pair in a tortoise or deep burgundy that fades to clear. I really like these websites because they look at glasses not just from a practical, “I need to be able to see” standpoint, but also from a fashion accessory point as well. They’re glasses, They’re on your face. Why not play them up and have some style to go along with the necessity?